Third Annual Bikes, Beach & Biotech
Please join us for a day of fun for families, friends and colleagues in the Biotech community.
Saturday, June 22, 2014
Charity Bike Ride starts at 8:30 am
Family/Children Activities begin at 10:00 am
Lunch will be served at 12:30 pm
Beneficiary: MassBio/American Cancer Society New England Cancer Research Challenge
Sponsors: Capital Advisors Group, Cooley LLP, Ernst & Young, Merrill Corporation
Make a day of it! In addition to a catered lunch, there will be supervised, organized activities for the children. Enjoy the beach, play a game of tennis or participate in the charity bike ride (limited to adult/teen riders). All riders are encouraged to raise money prior to the event and prizes will be awarded to the top fundraisers. Guests are not required to participate in the bike ride to attend the event.
For more information, please email