Treasury teams and cash managers turn to us for comprehensive, independent credit research and risk analysis services. Our proprietary, web-based CounterpartyIQ® platform captures, analyzes, and rates all the counterparty exposures in your institutional cash portfolio.
We allow you to focus on managing risk not building credit models.
The world’s most versatile, customized credit research system.
Now you can make risk analysis a daily discipline.
We embedded our comprehensive credit research process in CounterpartyIQ®, the first dashboard for real-time counterparty credit risk monitoring. With it, we help you:
- Understand and monitor credit risk of counterparty relationships
- Build and maintain buy lists for internally managed cash portfolios
- Evaluate and monitor banking partners
- Track short term credit changes within counterparty relationships
- Set counterparty credit risk tolerance levels and provide alerts
By applying the benefits of our proprietary credit research process to your specific investment criteria, CounterpartyIQ® gives you a strategic advantage managing your counterparty risk:
- Let us bring your credit research “in house”
- Aggregate credit risk information from multiple sources
- Choose consistent metrics to evaluate credits
- Customize risk tolerance levels for your portfolio’s unique requirements.
- Reduce the time required to deliver actionable results
Our CounterpartyIQ® portal puts the power of our proven credit research process directly into your hands to help you manage risk in your portfolio on a daily basis:
- Facilitate relative value decisions when managing internal cash portfolios
- Evaluate and monitor banking partners
- Aggregate all counterparty holdings to provide a portfolio-level credit score
- Track credit changes within counterparty relationships
- Set tolerance levels for credit risk and provide alerts if counterparties fall below a certain level
Schedule a CounterpartyIQ® Demo
Ray Facinelli, our EVP and Director of Business Development, will be happy to give you a live online demonstration of the CounterpartyIQ® Platform. Let us know how to get in touch, and we will get back to you right away.
30 Years of Thought Leadership
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COVID-19: Impact on Cash Portfolios
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