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The information in this website is, or is based on, information that has been made publicly available by third parties, and it is subject to change without notice. All information in this website is accurate only as of the date presented, unless otherwise noted. Capital Advisors Group has no obligation to update this website, or to provide you with notice of any update if it is updated. Capital Advisors Group does not independently verify or guarantee the accuracy of such information, and any inaccuracies in such information likely will affect Capital Advisors Group analysis and conclusions included in this website.
This website may include forward looking statements. Capital Advisors Group is not undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking statements in this report, whether resulting from new information, future events or otherwise. You should not take any statements regarding past trends as a representation that trends or activities will continue in the future. Accordingly, you should not put undue reliance on any information in this website.
Any case studies included in this website are hypothetical client profiles and are for demonstration purposes only. Capital Advisors Group’s investment advice will vary by client based on each client’s investment objectives, financial circumstances, and other factors.
Industry recognitions and awards received by Capital Advisors Group or its portfolio managers should not be construed as an endorsement or a recommendation to retain Capital Advisors Group by the ranking entity or any regulatory authority. Any rankings or awards cited in this website were provided by independent third parties and were based on evaluation criteria predetermined by such third parties. Capital Advisors Group has neither provided any financial remuneration to those third parties nor has it exercised any influence or control over the criteria used, or the results generated, other than providing or making available objective numerical data that could have been used by such third party as input variables.
Capital Advisors Group may employ ESG considerations in managing client portfolios, including its selection of dealers in effecting client portfolio transactions. Capital Advisors Group’s ESG strategies may exclude or limit some securities and the dealers from which such securities may be purchased and sold, and, therefore, Capital Advisors Group may not be able to take advantage of the same opportunities or market trends as strategies that do not employ such ESG strategies. As a result, Capital Advisors Group’s ESG investment strategies may underperform other strategies that do not have an ESG focus. Fiduciaries should carefully consider whether an ESG or impact investment strategy is consistent with their duties to their clients under applicable law.
Capital Advisors Group is registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as an investment adviser. Registration with the SEC should not be considered an endorsement or indicator of investment skill, acumen, or experience. Additional information regarding Capital Advisors Group, including its investment strategies and their risks, is available in Capital Advisors Group’s disclosure document (Form ADV, Parts 2A and 2B), which is available by calling 617-630-8100. You may also find a copy of the disclosure document at the SEC’s website www.sec.gov. This website does not include a complete description of Capital Advisors Group’s investment strategies, each strategy’s investment risks, or tax or other important considerations. Prospective clients should read all disclosure documents provided by Capital Advisors Group relating to its products or services before engaging Capital Advisors Group to perform for its investment management or advisory services.
Please click here for a copy of Capital Advisors Group, Inc.’s most recent Form CRS (for retail investors).